HostingReviewsASP.NET | Best, reliable and recommended BlogEngine.NET. After reviewed hundreds of web hosting solutions, we name a list of top 3 BlogEngine.NET hosting based on the price, compatibility, performance, uptime, and technical support.
BlogEngine.NET is the most popular open source CMS and blog software in .NET framework and MSSQL. Finding a cost effective ASP.NET host is not as easy as finding a Linux based web host, considering with the expensive Microsoft server and database licenses.
The top 3 BlogEngine.NET hosts include ASPHostPortal, HostForLIFE and DiscountService as following:
Rank | Company | Features | Price |
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$5.00/mo |
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€5.50/mo |
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$7.00/mo |
There are a number of ASP.NET hosts, and almost of them claim to support BlogEngine.NET, but only a few of them do a satisfied work. Based on our real experience, we take the following factors into consideration.
The ASP.NET web hosting based on Windows server 2012 is better than the previous editions. It supports the latest IIS 8.0 which integrates with the ASP.NET pipeline much better than IIS 7.0/6.0. In addition, BlogEngine.NET works better on MSSQL than MySQL or PostgreSQL. And the hosting with MSSQL 2012 get higher grade than MSSSQL 2008 and MSSSQL 2005.
The BlogEngine.NET hosting supports multiple .NET framework has a better performance. The more versions supported the less compatible problems existed, and it provides customers more scalability to upgrade the websites in the future. Especially, the .NET framework v4 has a more excellent performance than others.
In general, the Plesk is the best control panel for ASP.NET web hosting, with superb usability, extendibility, stability and functionality. Additionally, DotNETPanel, H-Sphere and other types also have their advantages.
It allows web administrators to define powerful rules to transform complex URLs into simple and consistent web addresses – easier for user to remember and easier for search engine to find.
Almost web hosts provide 24×7 technical support, but that’s not enough for BlogEngine.NET. The support staffs of the best BlogEngine.BET hosts should be Windows experts, professional on ASP.NET questions.
There are still a number of ASP.NET web hosts fully meet the requirements above, but ASPHostPortal, HostForLIFE and DiscountService offer the cheapest plans
All the top 3 best BlogEngine.NET hosts do a good job about the above factors. And they are also outstanding with the following BlogEngine.NET features.
Moreover, BlogEngine.NET also supports BlogML import/export, extension model, code syntax highlighting, and more.