Social Media marketing is becoming popular with this new world of internet and social communication. This is the future strategy of business promotion and requires adequate pre-preparation with a consistent strategic implementation. There are presences of many social media websites in the World Wide Web. A recent study on social media has revealed that almost 500 million users have their accounts on social media and out of these 50% of the users log in to their account on daily basis. This figure enunciates the power of social media as a medium of marketing with considerably less investment and huge returns.
businesswoman and plan business strategy
I am going to explain few tips on strategies any business can adopt for marketing its business through social media in a step by step order.
1. Facebook:
This is one of the most appreciated social networks among online users. With huge appreciation and participation, this social network has received immense response from online users. Almost 60% users of facebook are among the age-group of 18-25. That means it has a majority of youngster participation. This figures potentially increases the chances to interact with the huge sector of community with your targeted business promotions.
Facebook allows users and business owners to create business fan page, where users can register them as a community member and as a fan of your business. The updates you make can flow through your fans’ pages and you can make them feel your presence as a flourishing business. Spend some time to look into your competitors pages to understand which types of photographs and videos they upload to attract customers. You can also follow the success line as laid by your competitors to gain targeted profit around it.
Facebook allows many applications along with sharing contents, photos and videos. This can work as a great tool for social media marketing and promotion.
2. Twitter:
This micro-blogging application is the buzz word of the future. This is becoming as a booming application among the online community and business owners as a less time taking and simple way of promoting business online. There is a huge numbers of registered users and it allows you to follow and be followed by others. This way you can share your business promotions with virtually millions through fraction of seconds and you can strategically use this application to extend your reach to the targeted users.
People on twitter are talking about many things happening around the world. Try to find out what they are talking about your business. They may be talking about it already! Try to follow your competitors to understand their strategies for promotion through twitter. Once you have a basic understanding of how to promote your business through twitter, you can formulate a simple strategy to promote your business through this profuse application.
3. Blog:
Start a blog of your company and start sharing information about your product. Try putting value inputs into the blog on regular basis and update and promote your blog. This is a great way to find appreciation from the online readers. A study has revealed that almost 76% of online users are blog readers. Try inputting valued original contents into your blog. Add twitting facility to your blog. This way you allow people to share experiences and their finding among a larger section of community. Once you make your blog content rich and full of information, people will appreciate coming back to your business blog to find apposite information.
One simple but important thing is never try to promote or sell through your blog. Share your business experience and solutions to existing issues in business and have more focus on providing informative contents. This will create a vibe around the people regarding your blog and you can start enjoying the traffic to your blog. If are starting new, you can choose among many online free blog applications like WordPress, Blogger etc. This is a great way to attract customers with a dynamically professional lead generation.
4. LinkedIn:
This is one of the most adored business social networks having around 50 million users. This can work as a base of establishing reputation. You can reserve your business name in LinkedIn, so that others cannot use it further. Try participating in business groups and actively participate in group conversion. This way you can create a brand image of your own and create a reputation around your business.
You can even try for recommendation from the other LinkedIn users. This can help to popularize you as a trusted business over this social profile. This way you can come high on search results and can be more visible among the top performers. Try following the successful profiles inside LinkedIn and follow their recommendations. This can become beneficial for your business for promoting your profile among similar working groups and create a brand image for your business activities.
5. Networking through Mobile:
In this epoch of mobile communication and high-end connectivity every person has a mobile with him. So this accentuates possibilities for staying in touch with a larger section of audience. There are lots of mobile social networks, those can be beneficial to stay in touch with people from similar focused lines with appropriate interests.
Every social network is now engaged in building their portable mobile applications for allowing users to get communicated with each other round the clock. So this creates another great opportunities for users with huge arena of communication. You can create and manage your profiles with appropriate focus on your business niche so as to promote your brand, enhance credibility by being accessible through out.
6. Social Networking through multimedia:
There are many social communities they allow sharing multimedia among communities. The most preferred one is being YouTube. You can share information, your offers and business related strategies and learning sessions through multimedia presentations on YouTube. You can share your images on social profiles like Plixi, Flicker, Webshots and allow it to reach wider section of online users. This way you can have a buzz around the online communities about your business profiles and activities.
Always remember one basic thing while targeting for promotions through these networks. Never ever try viral promotions or use indecent materials to gain immediate attention. This works for very limited time but hampers your credibility of business and within no time you will lose your reputation as a trusted business owner.
Make sure to share valuable, informative contents that are actually beneficial for any person with a similar liking for your business. This way you can go on a long run for making remarkable progress with your social promotion.
7. Participate among other’s social networks:
You can take out time to share an active participation among the other’s social network profiles. You can share your views and comments on other business profiles related to your business. This way you can be famous among the similar line business owners and this can help to add up reputation as a genuine business partner. For example, you can participate with other blogs from your similar line business and leave your valuable comments to make them rich with contents and ideas. This can create a positive and healthy atmosphere among the business community which can add up to your brand image. You can even ask for guest posts for other’s blogs and share your opinion. This way you can be more acceptable with the host blog’s community members.
8. Maintain Brand consistency:
There are lots of social networks available on this vast arena of World Wide Web. You can create as much profile as you can and maintain your promotional activities focusing on your business. One thing you should keep in mind that you should maintain consistency in name brand promotion. This can help to make your profile more resounding among the whole arena and make you famous among the community. People share multiple profiles on various social networks. They can find you at multiple spheres with a singular profile and build an unseen trust in your brand image. This will help to build a consistent and long-lasting image on the online users and can help your business with a brand image and apposite reputation.
Marketing is a diverse combination of attitude, aptitude and promotion. Social networks are growing rapidly among the online users and every day more and more people are adding themselves on social networks. Strategically reviewing, everyone can get the nerve of the social media for promoting their brands on these networks. With the tools above discussed any business can maintain a good rapport with the online users. With combination of these tools and a singular focus on your business you can expect maximum returns on your time and money invested on such promotions. Social media marketing is one of the finest upcoming tools and it has the potentiality to change the business promotion scenario. Catching the vibes of such a huge arena of users any business can get an appropriate base for business promotion. The world is huge and you have to take the first step. Once the first step is in right place you can expect an exponential growth and multiplication through referral promotions.